Are we missing something?

I miss libraries.

Here in Indonesia, libraries are as rare as safe drivers and clean water. It’s not because people don’t like to read, or because they like to live dangerously at high speeds, or because they love the idea that toxic substances are freely available at the turn of a handle.

When credence is given to the misguided notion that unrestrained capitalism is a benefit to anyone then we will see the demise of education, healthcare, and public safety. When we allow corporate interests to dictate education and to funnel public monies into programs that benefit their bottom line, we allow human decency and dignity to be kicked to the kerb. We allow our future to be stamped with best before dates, and then left to rot on the shelf.

Obviously, greed and shortsightedness are not the intellectual property of the Indonesian archipelago. We see these wonderful expressions of boneheaded stubbornness in every hovel, hamlet and high-speed hub on the planet.

Without independent sources of information, books provided and made available by libraries, we have little chance for the current or the next generation to be intellectually curious, environmentally aware, or woke in any measurable sense.

Common sense, intellectual curiosity, and basic decency may have always been rare and whimsical creatures, but perhaps we shouldn’t willingly turn away as they’re kicked to death. Please don’t take this as a pat on the back if you have libraries. If you’re not using them, if you’re not supporting them, and if everyone does not have access; then they’re no longer libraries. They’ve become warehouses, or even worse they’re mortuaries waiting for the bodies of lost knowledge and hope to be claimed by uncaring relatives.

A Library

Speak Yourself to Success

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Public Speaking with Bahasa Indonesia and English. Topics include leadership, making a presentation, Marketing and dealing with anxiety. Learn how to prepare to be a Public Speaker. Time to invest in more knowledge.

Saturday, September 30th, 2017

9:00am to 3:00pm

IDR 300,000 per guest

IDR 500,000 per couple

(Incl. Lunch & Coffee break)21458039_1935728033233603_2302443648415707030_o

Hotel Amaris Address: Jl. Kedung Doro No.1-3, Kedungdoro, Tegalsari, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur

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